Winterwanderweg Nothdorf - Falkenstein


01:00 h
2.67 km
Höhenmeter Bergauf
86 hm
Höhenmeter Bergab
99 hm
Höchster Punkt
1079 m
Route Start

Tourismusbüro Krimml

Route Ende




Wetter heute
Viele Wolken, etwas Sonne
Wetter morgen
Viele Wolken, etwas Sonne



A pleasant, scenic hiking path in Krimml

From the tourist office, you will hike in the direction of Nothdorf. Passing meadows, forests and farmhouses, you will come to a small bridge that you will cross. From here, continue briefly along the road – downhill – before the route branches left along a forest pathway. Follow the way to direction Falkenstein. If you wish, continue your hike in the direction of Vorderkrimml and via the Schlossberg as far as Krimml train station.

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