Arena panoramic hike


05:00 h
15 km
Höhenmeter Bergauf
574 hm
Höhenmeter Bergab
414 hm
Höchster Punkt
2004 m

With bus line 4094 to Gerlos.

Exit point: Isskogelbahn


Isskogelbahn car park

Route Start

top station, Isskogelbahn Gerlos (1.900 m)

Route Ende

top station, Rosenalmbahn Zell am Ziller (1.744 m)



Wetter heute
25° Sonne und Quellwolken, Regenschauer und Gewitter möglich
Wetter morgen
21° Sonne, Wolken, Regenschauer


Wonderful panoramic trail with spectacular views of the Zillertal and Tux alps

The starting point for the 5 hour panoramic trail can be easily reached using the Isskogelbahn at Gerlos up the mountain. After a short ascent to Latschenalm (1,950 m) you will continue on hiking trail no. 9 for a short while upwards to Kellneralm (1,879 m) and Innerertensalm. From there, the panoramic trail continues up and down through large pastures above the tree line. Enjoy the breathtaking view of the Gerlossteinwand and the Zillertal Alps with the impressive glacier landscape. The trail continues over Gerlostalalm and Schlagangeraste to Außerertensalm. Hiking trail no. 9 changes to path no. 11, the Schmankerlweg, which leads past the Kreuzwiesenalm (1,884 m). It is worth having a break here with a snack and a great view on the terrace of the Schmankerlhütte. Then continue to hike to the mountain station of the Rosenalm cable car (1,774 m) in Zell am Ziller, with which you can comfortably bring your tour to an end. The hiking bus brings you back to Gerlos. The hike can also be done in the opposite direction. Tip: use the combined ticket for hikers in the Zillertal Arena for your mountain and valley ascents and descents in Gerlos and Zell!

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