Krimmler Achental


20.37 km
20.37 km
Höhenmeter Bergauf
819 hm
Höchster Punkt
1848 m
Route Start

Tourismusbüro Krimml

Route Ende




Wetter heute
25° Sonne und Quellwolken, Regenschauer und Gewitter möglich
Wetter morgen
21° Sonne, Wolken, Regenschauer



Past the biggest waterfalls in Europe, rustic mountain huts and the historic Krimmler Tauernhaus, in beautiful Achental.

After leaving the town of Krimml behind you as you head in the direction of the Gerlos Alpenstrasse, in roughly 2 km you will come to a turnoff on the left-hand side, taking you to a lane which runs in the direction of Krimmler Achental. Now comes the most physically challenging stage, a climb alongside the Krimml Waterfalls as far as the Anna Tunnel (length 300 m, unlit). From there, a hiking and biking path runs parallel to the Krimmler Ache, past rustic huts and refreshment points to the valley head. There, you have the opportunity to head up to the Warnsdorfer Hütte or, if you prefer, backtrack to the first turnoff, then make a detour (2.5 km) into Windbachtal as far as the Windbachalm, before leaving the valley again and returning to your original starting point.


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