Schwimmen, DAY-SPA & Massage in Königsleiten

outdoor pool
indoor swimming pool

Felsen BAD&SPA im MY ALPENWELT Resort in Königsleiten
Day Spa & Massage | beheizter Infinity SKY Außenpool | abgetrennter Family AQUAPARK mit Wasserrutsche | Naturbadesee, SPA mit Erlebnissaunen & Dampfbad, Wellness, Massage & Beauty Abteilung | Yoga Raum. Info: 5742 Königsleiten Nr. 81, Tel. +43(0)6564 8282
[email protected],

Königsleiten 81
5742 Königsleiten
Opening Hours

The indoor and outdoor swimming area is available daily from 7:00 to 21:00. Please note that the main basin
From 7:00 to 12:00 and from 18:00 to 21:00, adults only is reserved for quiet and relaxed hours.

The FAMILY Aquapark is open daily from 10 am to 6 pm for fun, especially for the little ones.

Schwimmen, DAY-SPA & Massage in Königsleiten
Königsleiten 81
5742 Königsleiten
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