Privacy Policy

We would like to inform you at this point about the processing of your personal data within the framework of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DSG) and the Telecommunications Act (TKG). If you need more information you can contact us at any time. You can find our contact details at the end of this privacy policy.

Privacy Policy Zell-Gerlos

1. Personal data

Personal data are all data that contain information about personal or factual circumstances, such as name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, age, gender, social security number, video recordings, photos, etc. If there are changes to your personal data, we request that you notify us accordingly.

We collect, process and use your personal data only if this is necessary for the fulfilment of the contract or due to a legal obligation or if you provide us with this data voluntarily. For data processing beyond this, we obtain your consent before processing the data. If our legitimate interest in data processing outweighs your interest in data protection, processing may also take place without your consent. We will use the data provided to us in particular for the purpose of fulfilling the contract, initiating the contract, fulfilling legal obligations, etc.

We generally collect this information directly from you. However, in the course of concluding a contract, we may collect your data from third parties, for example in the case of bookings made by tour operators or booking platforms and the like.

We would like to inform you that the provision of personal data is legally required to some extent (e.g. tax regulations) or may result from contractual arrangements (e.g. information about the contractual partner). Failure to provide the personal data will result in an inability to conclude the contract.

2. Purposes and legal basis

a.) Service provision:
Name, date of birth, address as well as payment details may be collected for tickets issued for a period of 1 day or more for the purpose of ensuring that the responsible party knows with whom the contract has been concluded and to whom there is an obligation to perform. The processing of this data for this purpose takes place on the basis of the justification of the fulfilment of contract according to point (b) of Art. 6(1) GDPR.

Tickets can be used in several areas operated by legally independent cable car companies. In order to make this possible and for internal accounting between the individual cable car companies, data is transmitted to the members of the IG for legitimation purposes and processed by them. The processing of this data for this purpose is based on the justification of fulfilment of contract according to point (b) of Art. 6(1) GDPR and our legitimate interest according to point (f) of Art. 6(1) GDPR.

b.) Fraud control:
In the case of tickets which Photocompare is active for, a reference photo is created the first time the ticket is used, provided the terminal used has the technical requirements and the Photocompare process is actually active. This reference photo is compared with a control photo in the event of subsequent use, thus checking whether the ticket has been passed on without authorisation. The processing of this data for this purpose is based on the justification of legitimate interest according to point (f) of Art. 6(1) GDPR.

c.) Service offer:
Within our (web) offer, we use content or service offers from third parties on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimisation and economic operation of our offer within the meaning of point (f) of Art. 6(1) GDPR) in order to integrate content and services.

This requires that your IP address is transmitted to the third-party providers, since the content cannot be sent to your browser without the IP address. The IP address is required to display this content. Third-party providers may also use so-called web beacons for statistical or marketing purposes. Web beacons can be used to analyse information such as visitor traffic to the website. A cookie may be placed for this purpose that contains technical information about the browser and operating system, referring websites, time of visit and other information about the use of our website.

3. Your rights

You have the right to information about your stored personal data, as well as a right to rectification, data transfer, objection, restriction of processing and blocking or erasure of incorrect or unlawfully processed data within the provisions of the GDPR.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. In case of revocation, the data processing carried out up to that moment remains lawful.

If you are of the opinion that the way in which we process your personal data breaches the applicable data protection provisions, you have the opportunity to submit a complaint to the responsible supervisory authority. In Austria, this is the responsibility of the data protection authority.

4. Data security

Your personal data is protected by appropriate organisational and technical precautions. These precautions concern in particular protection against unauthorised, illegal or accidental access, loss, processing, use and manipulation.

Please note that we do not accept any liability whatsoever for the disclosure of information due to errors in data transmission not caused by us and/or unauthorised access by third parties.

5. Disclosure of data to third parties

In order to fulfil our contractual or legal obligations, it may be necessary to transfer your data to processors or other recipients, for example to authorities. Processors process your personal data in accordance with instructions and only to the extent necessary to perform these tasks. Our processors are, for example, external IT service companies, etc.

We use content or service offers from third parties within our offer on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimisation and economic operation of our offer within the meaning of point (f) of Art. 6(1) GDPR) in order to integrate content and services.

This requires that your IP address is transmitted to the third-party providers, since the content cannot be sent to your browser without the IP address. The IP address is required to display this content. Third-party providers may also use so-called web beacons for statistical or marketing purposes. Web beacons can be used to analyse information such as visitor traffic to the website. A cookie may be placed for this purpose that contains technical information about the browser and operating system, referring websites, time of visit and other information about the use of our website. The following is an overview of some of the third-party providers we use:

  • We use offers from feratel media technologies AG, Maria-Theresien-Straße 8, A-6020 Innsbruck as a booking platform and for the integration of webcams. The privacy policy can be found at
  • For the presentation of interactive map content such as hiking routes, cross-country ski trails, cycling routes, etc. we use a service offered by General Solutions Steiner GmbH, comm. reg. no. 39037h, Bruggfeldstraße 5/III, A-6500 Landeck, The privacy policy can be found at:
  • Another provider we use offers from is Outdooractive GmbH & Co KG, comm. reg. no. HRA 8939, Missener Straße 18, D-87509 Immenstadt, The privacy policy can be found at
  • For the display of the currently open facilities (slopes, lifts etc.) we use a service offered by intermaps Software GmbH, comm. reg. no. 83621y, Schönbrunner Straße 80/6, A-1050 Vienna, The privacy policy can be found at
  • For the integration of webcams on our website we use offers from Panomax GmbH comm. reg. no. 477789g, Landesstraße 23, A-5302 Henndorf a.W., The privacy policy can be found at
  • For the provision of certain fonts on the website, the Google Fonts service from Google, Inc. is used. For more information about the processing of personal data by Google Fonts, please visit
  • We are a member of the Zillertal cable cars’ syndicate (“IG”; Zillertaler Seilbahnen GmbH). You can find the IG’s privacy policy here: Data is transferred to members of the IG according to the purposes in point 2.
  • The administration of ticket data as well as the transmission of data to members of the IG is carried out by SKIDATA AG, comm. reg. no. 59669z, Untersbergstraße 40, 5083 Grödig/Salzburg. In addition, the Photocompare procedure described under point 2 is made available via SKIDATA.

We only transfer your data to other recipients if you have either given us or the recipient your consent to the transfer of data, if the transfer of data is necessary for the conclusion or fulfilment of the contract, or if we are legally obliged to transfer data.

We transfer your personal data to recipients within the European Union or to countries for which the EU Commission has decided that they have an adequate level of data protection. If this is not the case, we will ensure that the recipient of the data complies with the GDPR on the basis of suitable guarantees. In particular, there is no adequate level of data protection in the USA. Insofar as we transfer data to companies in the USA, these companies have agreed to the EU-US Privacy Shield. By self-certifying under the Privacy Shield, companies confirm that they comply with the provisions of the GDPR. You can find more information about Privacy Shield at:

6. Retention of data

a.) Retention for the fulfilment of contractual or legal obligations:

We store your data for as long as is necessary to fulfil our contractual or legal obligations. For example, we are required to retain our accounting records for a period of 7 years from the end of the relevant calendar year.

Within the scope of the storage of your data, we will ensure that your data is only used to the extent necessary for the aforementioned purposes.

b.) Retention based on your consent:
If you have given us your consent, we will store your data for as long as specified in your declaration of consent or other consent, for example in the context of a contract with you.

c.) Retention on the basis of legitimate interests:
In addition, we will store your data for as long as is necessary to defend against liability or other claims within the statutory limitation periods. According to Austrian law, these are generally 3 years from the date of knowledge of the damage and the damaging party.

Reference photos (see points 2 and 5) are stored for the validity of the respective ticket and then deleted. Control photos (photos used for comparison with the reference photo) are deleted at the latest 48 hours after the respective passage through a turnstile. If control photos are required to provide evidence of misuse, these are stored for 14 days.

Video surveillance on or in buildings is stored for a maximum of 72 hours for the purpose of property protection.

Booking enquiries that have not led to the conclusion of a contract are stored by us for a period of 24 months for the purpose of internal analyses, such as the analysis of our offer.

We will store application documents for a period of 12 months.

d.) Obligations to erase due to the right to erasure:
Our obligations to erase in the event that you exercise your right to erasure according to Art. 17 GDPR are not affected by the preceding paragraphs.

7. Collection of general data and information

Our website collects a series of general data and information every time it is accessed. The browser, the operating system, the website previously visited, the page accessed, the date and time of the visit, the IP address, the Internet service provider, the volume of data transferred and other similar data and information may be recorded. This data is used by us to maintain the website and to avert danger. In this respect, we have a legitimate interest in the storage of log files within the meaning of point (f) of Art. 6(1) GDPR.

The anonymous data in the server log files is stored separately from any other personal data.

8. Cookies

Our website uses so-called cookies. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your end device with the use of the browser. We use cookies to configure our offer so that it is user-friendly. Most of the cookies we use are absolutely necessary cookies and are automatically deleted from your hard drive at the end of the browser session (“session cookies”). The third-party providers listed by us in this privacy policy may use persistent cookies to display content correctly or to ensure the functionality of the service. If you do not want this to happen, you can adjust your browser settings so that you are informed about the use of cookies and only allow them to be used in individual cases. If the cookies we use require your consent, we will obtain your consent in advance. If the cookies are deactivated, the functionality of this website may be limited.

9. Facebook

The provider of the following services is Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland.

a.) Social media plugin:

Each time you access this website which a Facebook plug-in has been integrated into, the Internet browser is automatically prompted to download a representation of the plugin from Facebook. Within the framework of this technical procedure, Facebook receives information about which specific sub-page of our website is visited. If you are logged in to Facebook at the same time, Facebook recognises which specific subpage is visited. This information is collected and assigned by Facebook to the respective Facebook account without you having to click on the plugin.

If this kind of transmission to Facebook is not desired, this transmission can be prevented by logging out of your Facebook account.

For more information, please refer to If you wish to object to this data processing, please contact us for further information.

b.) Custom Audiences:

Facebook’s Custom Audiences allow visitors to our website to receive targeted interest-based advertising. This is done by placing cookies on your end device. With the help of cookies, user behaviour when visiting the website can be analysed and then used for targeted product recommendations and interest-based advertising. If you do not want this, you can opt out here:

10. Google

The provider of the following services is Google Ireland Limited, Reg# 368047, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Dublin.

a.) Google Analytics:
Google Analytics is a service for collecting, compiling and analysing data about the behaviour of visitors to websites. Google uses the data and information collected to analyse the use of our website, among other things, and to provide other services in connection with the use of our website.

Google Analytics places a cookie. Storage of the cookie allows Google to analyse the use of our website. This cookie prompts the Internet browser to transmit data to Google for the purpose of online analysis. During the course of this technical process, Google gains knowledge of personal data such as the data subject’s IP address which Google uses, among other things, to trace the visitor’s origin and clicks and, as a result, to allow for commission settlement.

We use the “_gat._anonymizeIp” add-on for web analysis using Google Analytics. Using this add-on, the IP address is shortened and anonymised by Google.

For more information, please refer to and If you wish to object to this data processing, please contact us for further information. An opt-out is possible by installing the following plugin:

b.) Google Maps:
We use Google Maps from the company Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on our website. By using this map’s functions, data is transmitted to Google. You can find out what data is collected by Google and what it is used for at .

c.) Remarketing:
Google Remarketing is a function of Google AdWords that allows us to display advertisements to you if you have previously visited our website.

Google Remarketing places a cookie that allows you to be recognised when you subsequently visit websites that are also members of the Google advertising network. Personal data such as accessed websites are stored using these cookies. Each time you access a website on which the Google Remarketing service has been integrated, your Internet browser automatically identifies itself to Google. Within the framework of this technical procedure, Google obtains knowledge of personal data, such as the IP address or the user’s surfing behaviour.

An opt-out is possible at the following link: You can also set your browser so that third-party cookies cannot be placed.

d.) Google AdWords:
Google AdWords is a service for Internet advertising that enables us as advertisers to place ads both in the search engine results of Google and in the Google advertising network.

If you have reached our website via a Google ad, a so-called conversion cookie is stored on your system. Personal data such as accessed websites are stored by means of the conversion cookies. A conversion cookie is no longer valid after thirty days and is not used to identify you. The conversion cookie is used to track whether you have accessed certain subpages on our website, for example an online shop. The conversion cookie allows both us and Google to track whether you have generated a sale. Data and information collected by Google is used to create user statistics for our website. Neither we nor other advertisers of Google AdWords receive information which could identify you.

e.) Double Click:
DoubleClick is an online marketing service and uses cookies to place ads that are relevant to users. In addition, DoubleClick can use cookie IDs to record so-called conversions. This is the case if e.g. you see a DoubleClick ad and later access the advertiser’s website with the same web browser and purchase something. By using DoubleClick, your browser automatically establishes a direct connection to the Google server. If you are registered with a Google service, Google can allocate the visit to your account. Even if you are not registered with Google and/or have not logged in, it is possible that the provider finds out and stores your IP address.

If you disable interest-based ads from providers that are part of the “About Ads” self-regulatory campaign using the link, this setting will be deleted when you delete your cookies;

For more information, please refer to and,

11. YouTube privacy policy

We use the YouTube video service on this page from the company YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. By accessing our website pages that have integrated YouTube videos, data is transmitted to YouTube, stored and analysed. If you have a YouTube account and are logged in, this data will be assigned to your personal account and the data stored in it.

You can find out what data Google collects and what it is used for at .

12. Instagram privacy policy

We use the social media network Instagram’s functions from the company Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025, USA on our website.
With the functions for embedding Instagram content (embed function), we can display images and videos. By accessing pages that use such functions, data (IP address, browser data, date and time, cookies) are transmitted to Instagram, stored and analysed. If you have an Instagram account and are logged in, this data will be associated with your personal account and the data stored in it. The privacy policy, what information Instagram collects and how they use it can be found at

13. Newsletter

The newsletter is sent with your consent or legal permission. If you would like to receive our newsletter, it is only necessary to enter your e-mail address, otherwise the newsletter cannot be sent. Information beyond your e-mail address is optional and only serves to personalise the offer (e.g. by selecting a subject area about which you wish to receive information in the newsletter). The data will be used for the purpose of sending advertising. The data will be erased as soon as you revoke your consent to receive the newsletter. You can send us your revocation using the contact details below. Alternatively, you can unsubscribe directly in the newsletter

To send the newsletter, we need your confirmation that you are the owner of the e-mail address (so-called double opt-in). This confirmation is necessary to ensure that you have actually subscribed to the newsletter. Subscriptions to the newsletter are logged in order to be able to prove the subscription process. This includes the storage of the booking and confirmation time on the one hand, and the IP address on the other. Changes to your stored data are also logged. You can unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe option provided in the newsletter.

When you access the newsletter, a web beacon collects technical information such as information about the browser and your system, as well as your IP address and the time accessed. This information is used for the technical improvement of services based on technical data or target groups and reading behaviour or access times. Statistical surveys also include determining whether newsletters are opened, when they are opened, and which links are clicked. For technical reasons, this information can be assigned to individual newsletter recipients.

14. Contact form

If the contact form is used, the personal data transmitted by you will be stored automatically. Depending on the contact form, different personal data is provided as mandatory fields. Insofar as the collection of personal data is designed as a mandatory field, the provision of this data is required in the context of fulfilment or initiation of contract or due to legal obligations.

Such data is stored for the purpose of processing or contacting you. As a matter of principle, this personal data is not passed on to third parties. If it is not possible for us to reply, the enquiry together with your personal data will be forwarded to the relevant tourist association (currently: TVB Zell-Gerlos, TVB Wald-Königsleiten, TVB Krimml) for reply. By concluding an order processing contract, we have ensured that your data is adequately protected.

The personal data you provide will be stored for as long as is necessary in the context of enforcing and/or defending claims or due to a legal obligation.

15. Prize draws

If you participate in a prize draw on our website, the following data will be collected: First name, last name, date of birth, e-mail address. This data is necessary to carry out the prize draw and will only be used for this purpose. In this respect, we rely on the justification of fulfilment of contract according to point (b) of Art. 6(1) GDPR for data processing. Where you have given your consent, your name will be published on our social media channels. You can revoke your consent at any time. In this case, we will delete the social media post.

16. Applications

You will be informed about job vacancies at our company through our website. As part of the application process, you have the option of sending us your application documents electronically by e-mail or by post. Your data will be used and stored for the purpose of evaluation in the application process, for contacting you in the application process and, if necessary, for establishing an employment relationship.

17. Contact details


comm. reg. no. 22212s, Innsbruck Regional Court
Rohr 23, 6280 Zell am Ziller
Tel: +43 (0)5282/7165

18. Zillertal Arena

The Controller is a member of the Zillertal Arena, an advertising association, which has joined together especially for marketing purposes. The Zillertal Arena includes the following members:

Rohr 23, 6280 Zell am Ziller
Tel: +43 (0)5282/7165

House no. 306, 6281 Gerlos
Tel: +43 (0)5284/5376

Königsleiten 82, 5742 Wald-Königsleiten
Tel: +43 (0)6564/8212

Oberkrimml 95, 5743 Krimml
Tel: +43 (0)6564/7325-13

Dorfplatz 3a, 6280 Zell am Ziller
Tel: +43 (0)5282/2281

House no. 126, 5742 Wald im Pinzgau
Tel: +43 (0)6565/8243

Oberkrimml 37, 5743 Krimml
Tel.: +43 (0)6564/7239

19. Zillertal cable cars’ syndicate

The controller is a member of the Zillertal cable cars’ syndicate (“IG”), a company under civil law. The cable car companies have joined together to form the IG, in particular for marketing and accounting purposes. In the absence of a legal entity, the IG consists of the legally independent operating companies. The IG includes the following members:

FINKENBERGER ALMBAHNEN GmbH, Persal 200, 6292 Finkenberg
FÜGEN-BERGBAHN GesmbH & Co KG, Hochfügenerstraße 77, 6263 Fügen
GERLOSPASS–KÖNIGSLEITEN-BERGBAHNEN GmbH, Königsleiten 82, 5742 Wald Königsleiten
SKILIFTGESELLSCHAFT HOCHFÜGEN GmbH, Sennereistraße 1, 6263 Fügen
BERGBAHNEN SKIZENTRUM HOCHZILLERTAL GmbH & Co KG, Postfeldstraße 7, 6272 Kaltenbach
SCHILIFTZENTRUM GERLOS GmbH, 6281 Gerlos, House no. 306
ZELLER BERGBAHNEN ZILLERTAL GmbH & Co KG, Rohr 23, 6280 Rohrberg
ZILLERTALER GLETSCHERBAHN GmbH & Co KG, Hintertux 794, 6293 Tux
BERGBAHNEN WILDKOGEL-Oberpinzgauer Fremdenverkehrsbeförderungs- und Bergbahnen Aktiengesellschaft, Wildkogelbahnenstraße 343, 5741 Neukirchen am Großvenediger

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