Declaration on accessibility
We, Zeller Bergbahnen Zillertal GmbH & Co KG, undertake to make our website accessible in accordance with the currently valid version of the Accessibility Act for the implementation of the European Accessibility Act (Directive 2019/882) concerning the accessibility requirements of products and services.
The Web Content Accessibility Guideline – WCAG 2.2 has been complied with as far as possible.
This declaration on accessibility applies to the website
Status of compliance with the requirements
This website is only partially compliant with conformance level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines – WCAG 2.2 due to the following incompatibilities.
Non-accessible content
The content detailed below is not accessible for the following reasons:
Some images and graphics still do not have adequate or any alternative text. This is an infringement of the non-text content success criterion. We are working on providing appropriate alternative texts for new content promptly and to revise those for older content.
The shortcomings in the following success criteria will be remedied by our content team and our technical department over the course of the next development cycles, with a scheduled completion date of June 2025:
- Individual text passages do not have sufficient contrast between the font and background. Elements that consist of the yellow/white combination (button/headings) do not have sufficient contrast, so the requirements are not met in full.
- Individual lists do not consist of a technical presentation as a list.
- In some cases, the headings hierarchy does not correspond to the logical sequence.
- Settings for the website prevent the text enlargement/zoom functionality on mobile devices.
- Content embedded with frames or iframes does not yet have an appropriate title.
- A link consists of a link graphic and a link label. Both have the same text.
- Individual entry fields do not have sufficient technically clear labelling.
- Individual selection elements do not have sufficient technical labelling.
- Interactive elements are sometimes nested in an inadmissible way.
- Some links do not have sufficient labelling for assistive technologies.
- Individual controls are implemented as links although they do not lead to another page or another area.
- For the WCAG success criterion of readability, we randomly checked our website for texts written foreign languages. Pages (accommodation, infrastructure) that take text from an interface and/or where a fallback language (in most cases German or English) is used still need to be correctly identified as such. If you can find any other expressions that require identification, please let us know.
Our websites are presented in accordance with the current technical possibilities and standards. We carried out a random check of the order in which elements in the main content are technically presented. If you find any problems with the implementation of any individual elements, please forward your suggestions to us.
We also carried out a random check of our website for visual animation as well as audio and video files. If you find any other audiovisual content for which you require text alternatives or subtitles, or if you find animations that require interruption mechanisms, please let us know.
Some of our videos do not have an audio description. This means that the WCAG success criterion (recorded audio description) is not met. We take the view that fixing this would represent a disproportionate burden in terms of the accessibility requirements. The video on the homepage which plays automatically in the header does not have audio and does not therefore require an audio description.
This content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legislation
PDF documents and Office documents, in most cases older ones, are not accessible. For example, PDF documents are not tagged, so that they cannot be recognised and used by screen reader users, or they can only be recognised and used to an inadequate degree. This means that the WCAG success criterion 4.1.2 (name, role, value) is not met.
Creation of this declaration on accessibility
This declaration was created on 21/01/2025. The assessment of the website’s compatibility with the Austrian Accessibility Act (BaFG) was carried out in the form of a self-test according to WCAG 2.2.
This declaration was last updated on 21/01/2025.
Feedback & contact information
The offers and services on this website are continuously improved, replaced and expanded. Usability and accessibility are exceptionally important to us in this endeavour. If you notice any barriers that prevent you from using our website and which are not described in this declaration, please contact us via this email address [email protected].
Zeller Bergbahnen Zillertal GmbH & Co KG
Rohr 23
6280 Zell am Ziller
Tel: +43 5282 7165
E-Mail: [email protected]
Enforcement procedures
If you do not receive satisfactory answers from the contact options referred to above, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Complaints Office of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). The FFG accepts complaints electronically via the contact form for the Complaints Office.
The FFG reviews complaints to determine whether they relate to infringements of the provisions of the Web Accessibility Act, in particular deficiencies surrounding compliance with the accessibility requirements on the part of the federal government or its affiliated institutions.
If the complaint is justified, the FFG is required issue recommendations for action to the federal government or the legal entities concerned and must propose measures to remedy the deficiencies.