Herzleuchten Zell am Ziller - wöchentliches Highlight


Heartlights Zell am Ziller – weekly highlight
December 26th, 2024 – February 20th, 2025 at 7:00 p.m

From December 21, 2024, the town center of Zell am Ziller will shine in a special light.
Around the amusement park in Zell am Ziller, visitors immerse themselves in a unique setting and are enchanted by various light installations.
The unique light trail is open daily. The highlight of the Herzleuchte Zell am Ziller is the weekly event at the Zell am Ziller leisure park with live music from various groups, laser show, ice disco and dancing light figures. The Zell am Ziller amusement park takes care of your physical well-being.

Immerse yourself in the magical world of lights in Zell am Ziller!

The Heart Lights Zell am Ziller Light Trail is open daily. Admission free!

Thu, 13.02.2025
 - 19:00
Event destination
Freizeitpark Zell am Ziller, Zell am Ziller
Additional event days
Thu, 20.02.2025 - 19:00 o'clock
Tourismusverband Zell-Gerlos, Zillertal Arena
Dorfplatz 3a
6280 Zell am Ziller
Herzleuchten Zell am Ziller - wöchentliches Highlight
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