Winterwanderweg Durlassboden - Finkau


01:30 h
5.54 km
Hoogtewinst bergop
34 hm
Hoogte bergafwaarts
70 hm
Het hoogste punt
1470 m
Route Start

Parkplatz Gerlospass Talstation

Route End

Alpengasthof Finkau

Altitude Profile


weer vandaag
Zon en wolken
weer morgen
Zon en wolken



Alongside the Durlassboden reservoir to Alpengasthof Finkau.

This path begins at the car park next to the Gerlos Pass valley station. From here, you will hike in the direction of Durlassboden reservoir. Passing the Bräueralm, a hut which does not offer refreshments, the hike leads along the road until just behind Alpengasthof Finkau. 

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