Krauspromenade (Rohrberg)


01:00 h
3 km
Hoogtewinst bergop
80 hm
Hoogte bergafwaarts
80 hm
Het hoogste punt
640 m
Route Start

Talstation Rosenalmbahn

Route End


Altitude Profile


weer vandaag
Zon zonder wolk
weer morgen
Compact clouds with no sun
Status Open


A walking tour of 1.5 hours through the woods and along the river. Winter hiking shoes are recommended.

Atthe base station ofRosenalmbahn cable car - ZillertalArena on the right hand side theKrauspromenade (way no. 2) startsrising slightly. The promenade is namedafter the famoussinger Dr.Kraus. After about30 minutes on theshadyforest path you reach the Gerlosbergstrasse, there you turn right (down the valley) until you reach the Gerlosberg bridge.Afterthe bridge turn rightthroughthe Kaiserstadt and walk along theright side of the Gerlosbach river back to the startingpoint.

Refreshments: GasthofWaldheim, Tuxer Pfiff Bar, GasthofWaldrast

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