Schwarzachtal - Wintertour


01:30 h
Tijd bergop
00:50 h
Tijd bergafwaarts
00:40 h
5 km
Hoogtewinst bergop
165 hm
Hoogte bergafwaarts
165 hm
Het hoogste punt
1363 m

With the bus 4094 to Gerlos.

Exit point: Kühle Rast


Parking lot at the entrance to the Schwarzachtal

Route Start

Gasthof Kühle Rast, Gerlos-Gmünd, Schwarzachtal entrance (1,191 m)

Route End

Gasthof Kühle Rast, Gerlos-Gmünd, Schwarzachtal entrance (1,191 m)

Altitude Profile


weer vandaag
Zon en wolken
weer morgen
Zon en wolken


Wonderfully snowy winter forest in the Schwarzachtal.

The hiking trail starts at the Gasthof Kühle Rast in Gerlos-Gmünd and runs through a narrow forest belt into the romantic Schwarzachtal to the Schwarzachalm snack station. Here you can feel the fascination of winter to the fullest.

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