Short circular hike: Rosenalm - Gründlalm - Rosenalm


01:00 h
2 km
Höhenmeter Bergauf
140 hm
Höhenmeter Bergab
140 hm
Höchster Punkt
1845 m



Wetter heute
10° Dichte Wolken, etwas Regen
Wetter morgen
Schneeregen, überwiegend bewölkt


At the top station of the Rosenalmbahn cable car turn right, go past the Bergrestaurant Rosenalm (no summer operation), where the trail slowly climbs across the ski slope and through a pine and spruce forest. After about half an hour you meet a road. Turn left and you will quickly reach Gründlalm (trail junction). If you take the right trail, you will reach the old Kreuzjochhütte in about half an hour. If you take the left you will reach again the starting point Rosenalm.


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